Welcome to the resource page for the 2014 YDI Math Research Lesson/Lesson Study!
Billy |
Lutheran |
Charles |
Gerry |
Eastside House |
John |
Bronxworks |
Josh |
Henry Street |
Louise |
Mark |
Renee |
Susan |
Queens Public Library Far Rockaway |
Dates and Activities
Friday, Feb 21, 1-4pm
Introduction to Lesson Study, Choosing Theme/Goal and Specific Content Topic |
Friday, Feb 28, 1-4pm
Exploring Specific Content Area: Proportional Reasoning |
Tuesday March 11, 1-4pm
Writing the First Draft of our Lesson |
Group will observe lesson being taught by Josh at Henry Street Settlement, followed by a debrief (April 2, 2014)
Friday, April 11, 1-4pm
Revising our lesson |
Group will observe revised lesson being taught by John at BronxWorks, followed by a debrief (April 30, 2014)
Friday, May 9th, 1-4pm
Finalizing our Lesson, Determining Presentation Roles and Teacher feedback/reflection on this experience
Tuesday, May 13, 1-4pm
Finalizing Presentation |
Friday May 16, 9am-4pm
YDI Math Training Session: Presenting Lesson Study to our peers |
* Notes from each meeting are available by clinking on the Activity Descriptions above.<<Coming Soon>>
Also, please note, there will be an additional YDI writing training on Friday, March 21, 9am-4pm and
a math training on Friday, April 18, 9am-4pm that are unrelated to the lesson study
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