

Page history last edited by mark.trushkowsky@mail.cuny.edu 9 years, 9 months ago



Welcome to the resource page for the 2014 YDI Math Research Lesson/Lesson Study!





Billy  Lutheran 
Charles  FEGS 
Gerry  Eastside House 
John  Bronxworks 
Josh  Henry Street 
Louise YDI
Mark CUNY 
Renee  FEGS 
Susan   Queens Public Library Far Rockaway 



Dates and Activities


Friday, Feb 21, 1-4pm 


Introduction to Lesson Study, Choosing Theme/Goal and Specific Content Topic 

Friday, Feb 28, 1-4pm 


Exploring Specific Content Area: Proportional Reasoning 

Tuesday March 11, 1-4pm 


Writing the First Draft of our Lesson 

Group will observe lesson being taught by Josh at Henry Street Settlement, followed by a debrief (April 2, 2014)


 Friday, April 11, 1-4pm 


Revising our lesson

Group will observe revised lesson being taught by John at BronxWorks, followed by a debrief  (April 30, 2014)


Friday, May 9th, 1-4pm


Finalizing our Lesson, Determining Presentation Roles and Teacher feedback/reflection on this experience

Tuesday,  May 13, 1-4pm 


Finalizing Presentation 

Friday May 16, 9am-4pm 


YDI Math Training Session: Presenting Lesson Study to our peers


* Notes from each meeting are available by clinking on the Activity Descriptions above.<<Coming Soon>>


Also, please note, there will be an additional YDI writing training on Friday, March 21, 9am-4pm and

math training on Friday, April 18, 9am-4pm that are unrelated to the lesson study



















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